It is in small concrete groups that results under development. Here Kristina Jonäng, Ingela Nilsson-Olsson, Marita Ljung, Maria Andersson, Karin Ingelhag and Niclas Jarhall in close dialogue.
As a very popular part of the Mutual Benefits award from the European Parliament, for their leadership philosophy, the Ministry of Industry Marita Ljung and Västra Götaland Opposition, Kristina Jonäng have chosen to visit Mutual Benefits for dialogue on competence assurance prior to their joint lecture about competence assurance on “Kompetensforum 2013 “, Gothenburg University, March 2013.
Mutual Benefits was one of the speakers at the “Kompetensforum 2013 ‘
Kristina Jonäng, member of Västra Götaland regional council expresses that Mutual Benefits business concept in combination with management philosophy is so appealing and unique that it should be spread through her network of entrepreneurs, scientists, politicians, students and experts who meet regularly to discuss various issues of the future , often linked to employment, skills and environmental responsibility.
One of the companies who grasped immediately, Göteborg & Co, where Mutual Benefits are invited together with Volvo Cars, SKF and other companies in the region to jointly facilitate collaboration between industry and students at Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg University.
A continuous dialogue …
Mutual Benefits now runs a continuous dialogue with The Ministry of Industry and Region Västra Götaland and already has a number of meetings and lectures booked in these matters.